Shipping contacts and procedure for 2024 OK Dinghy Worlds.
Australia has some of the strictest biosecurity regulations in the world to protect our unique environment and large agricultural industries.
It is of vital importance that you pay close attention the recommendations below to avoid costly additional inspection and treatment requirements, as well as potentially long delays with the delivery of your boats.
Seaway Logistics are our recommended provider for your container freight booking and customs clearances.
Lydie Caillaud is your contact at Office: +61 7 3707 2410 Cell: +61 409 612 614
She will arrange your booking and invoice you directly for the service. She will also advise you as to Carnet De Passages arrangements for bringing your equipment into Australia then re-exporting without the need to pay Australian import duties or taxes.
Container detention (How long you can keep the empty container on site at the yacht club for storage) is generally around 14 days without charge. After that, a day rate of around $250.00 US usually applies. Lydie has suggested that she may be able to get up to 21 days free detention depending upon global circumstances at the time. She will advise you as to your situation when you make your booking and invoice accordingly.
Upon arrival in Australia, quarantine services will need to inspect your boats and equipment.
They will not permit the uninspected container to be sent directly to the yacht club.
Nor will they inspect the loaded container.
Your container will be collected from the wharf and moved to a third party quarantine bonded yard for unpacking and inspection.
The company who operate this yard also provide road freighting of containers via their side lift trucks and a general freight service.
We will have volunteers on site to help the yard staff with the manual unloading of your boats.
The boats and their equipment will be laid out in the “Wash Bay” for quarantine inspection.
Once cleared by quarantine we will load your boats onto trucks provided by the yard operators for transport to the yacht club. Capacity for transport will be approximately 10 boats per 40ft container. Any extra boats will be loaded onto our volunteers road trailers.
Loose equipment and masts etc will be placed back into the container. The container will then be trucked to the yacht club. (The yard is approximately 8km from the container wharf. It is then a further 7.5km to the yacht club)
With the above procedure in mind, please give plenty of thought to the way you load and secure your boats inside the container. We wish for this procedure to go as quickly and easily as possible and we wish to avoid any kind of damage to your valuable equipment.
Because of our very strict quarantine regulations there are a number of points listed below we need you to pay particular attention to. Failure to adhere 100% to any of these points will result in your equipment being rejected by the quarantine inspectors and requiring further treatment. Such as by high pressure cleaning (Hence the “Wash Bay” mentioned above) or by further fumigation. This is an expensive and time consuming procedure which you will be invoiced for.
- Brown marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) season runs from 1st September to 30th April (Northern hemisphere winter).
If the containers leave Europe within this period they will need to be fumigated for BMSB. It is best done at point of origin and needs to be done by a fumigator with Australian quarantine approval who can put in place the correct certification. Lydie can arrange this as part of your booking.
- With the above fumigation in mind, and the need for easy visual inspection, it is important the boats are packed so as to avoid enclosed spaces.
I.E. inspection hatches left open, cockpits left free(ish) and not filled with equipment, no sealed containers or bags of equipment, nothing plastic or shrink wrapped. Ideally, even sails will be rolled but not in their bags. (Our volunteers can bag them after inspection and before transport to the yacht club)
- Timber packaging or dunnage is best avoided altogether.
If any timber is used or included, it must be bark free, treated to ISPM 15 by a certified provider and stamped as such. It must also be declared as part of the shipment paperwork.
- Cleanliness and being absolutely dry is paramount for all boats and equipment.
Any dirt or water will result in the shipment being rejected or sent for further treatment.
Boats used in seawater are not as targeted, but anything used in fresh water gets extra attention. Make sure they are not stated on the paperwork as having been used in fresh water.
Or preferably, use the boat in seawater at the last outing before packing.
- Be absolutely certain no vegetation such as leaves, grass or sticks make it inside the container.
Likewise make sure you keep the doors closed when not in the process of packing to ensure no insects or other creatures enter and make a home.
- The container itself is also part of the inspection and clearance process. Load your container on a sealed surface such as concrete or bitumen to avoid walking any dirt or leaves etc inside.
The outside of, and particularly underneath, the container is equally important. There have been plenty of cases where entire containers were rejected because of mud accumulated underneath on the floor beams.
We recommend you do not include any personal items such as clothing or other sailing equipment in the container. This can cause complication upon import due to the potential for import duties etc to be applied.
(Not to mention potential quarantine impacts)
Bring these items in your personal baggage when flying in and there should be no problem. You will be able to pack them in the container for re-export at completion of the regatta.
At completion of the regatta you will be responsible for repacking your boats and equipment back into your containers. (We will endeavour to have volunteers on hand to assist you) The transport company mentioned above will collect them from the yacht club with a side lift truck and return them to the wharf for export.
We will do our best to ensure the containers are placed on a sealed surface at the yacht club to help minimise any contamination during repacking.
The bonded quarantine wash bay, unpacking and trucking services provided by the third party supplier listed above will be charged at a rate of approximately $3000.00 AU per 40ft container.
They will invoice the OK Dinghy National association of Australia, who will pay on your behalf.
The association will then request payment from you.